Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 6 - October 1-5: Snow White, Socialism and Feminism

Tuesday: Snow White Continued
Report 9: Marcia Lieberman: “Some Day My Prince Will Come” On Blackboard under Course Documents.
Report 10: Verena Kast, “The Snow Queen. Motifs from Favorite and Dreaded Folktales of Childhood,” pp. 49-73 On Blackboard under Course Documents
Read: Anne Sexton, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” On Blackboard/ Course Documents
Report 11: Maria Tatar, “From Nags to Witches: Stepmothers and Other Ogres,” In: The Hard Facts of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales, pp. pp. 137-155. On Blackboard/ Course Documents

Wednesday: Guest Speaker: Sara Krome: Planning for Your Future, Part 1: "Choosing a Major/ Career Planning" (CEO Office/ Rouzer)

Thursday: Masters reloaded. The Brothers Grimm and Rammstein
Optional: Film: “DEFA Snow White” East German Production (60 minutes)
Blog Entry 6: Write a midterm reflection about your progress in the class. What have you accomplished in the class so far? Have you achieved your goals? How did you achieve them or not? What were the reasons for that? How much time did you spend studying and preparing for the class? What was the most/ least challenging part of the class? What parts of the class did you enjoy the most and why? Please explain, describe, be specific. Blog is due by Sunday, October 7. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 5 - September 24-28: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Tuesday: Read: The Complete Fairy Tales, “Snow White,” pp. 181-188

Wednesday: Guest Speaker: Rose Falker, Director of International Programs
Evening Film: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” Directed by Walt Disney, 1937 (84 minutes)

Thursday: Discussion of Film and Tale
Read: Jack Zipes, “Breaking the Disney Spell,” In: Fairy Tale as Myth. Pp. 72-95 On reserve-Hoover Library
Report 7: S. Gilbert and S. Gubar, “The Queen’s Looking Glass,” in The Madwoman in the Attic, pp. 36-44. On Blackboard under Course Documents or On reserve in Hoover Library
Report 8: Bruno Bettelheim, "The Jealous Queen in “Snow White” and the Myth of Oedipus” and “Snow White,” In: The Uses of Enchantment, pp. 194-215. On reserve in Hoover Library
Blog Entry 5: Compare the original tale by the Brothers Grimm with Disney’s film from 1937. Highlight a few differences and similarities. Why did Disney divert from the original version of the tale.  Blog is due by Sunday, September 30.
Paper is due by Tuesday, October 2.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 4 - September 17-21: Cinderella: Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

Monday: PM Workshop in Hil Hall 108

Tuesday: The Complete Fairy Tales, “Cinderella,” pp. 79-84
Report 5: Bruno Bettelheim, “Cinderella,” In: The Uses of Enchantment, pp. 236-277. On reserve in Hoover Library
Evening Film: “Cinderella” by Walt Disney (71 minutes)
Wednesday: Guest Speaker: 
--> Josh Ambrose: Writing Cente

Thursday: Discussion of Film and Tale
Report 6: Jack Zipes, “The Triumph of the Underdog: Cinderella’s Legacy,” in: The Enchanted Screen. The Unknown History of Fairy Tale Films. New York: Routledge, 2011, pp.172-191. On Blackboard under Course Documents
Blog Entry 4: Cinderella is one of these so called “rise tales”, which features a narrative arc of “rags to riches through magic and marriage” (Ruth Bottigheimer). Write a reflection on this motif. Can someone reach success or riches with magic or marriage? How realistic is that? Blog is due by Sunday, September 23.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 3 - September 10-14: Hänsel & Gretel – The Child as a Hero

Tuesday: Read:  The Complete Fairy Tales, "Hansel and Gretel," pp. 53-58 and
"The Juniper Tree," pp. 158-166
Lüthi: Chapter 4: The Uses of Fairy Tales, pp. 59-70

Wednesday: Guest Speaker:  Dr. Henry Reiff, Dean of Graduate Studies “Time Management
Evening Film: “Hansel and Gretel” with Cloris Leachman. MGM 1987

Thursday: The Meaning of Hansel and Gretel
Report 3: Jack Zipes "The Rationalization of Abandonment and Abuse in fairy Tales: The Case of Hansel & Gretel" On Blackboard under Course Document

 Report 4: Bruno Bettelheim "Hansel and Gretel," In The Uses of Enchantment, pp. 159-166. On Reserve in the Library.
Blog Entry 3: Compare the original Grimm tale with the MGM version. What is different in the film? What is similar? Why did the movie directors make these changes? Blog is due by Sunday, September 16.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 2: Septemebr 3-7

Monday: No Classes – Labor Day

Tuesday: Form, Function and Structure of Fairy Tales
Read: The Complete Fairy Tales, “Brier Rose,” pp. 171-174
Lüthi: Once Upon a Time, Chapter 1, pp. 21-34
Report 1: Zipes, The Brothers Grimm, Chapter 9, pp. 207-229

Wednesday: Guest Speaker: Melanie Conley: “Academic Strategies and Study Skills”
Evening Film: Sleeping Beauty by Disney

Thursday: Discussion of Film and Tale - Folk and Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends
Read: Lüthi: Once Upon a Time, Chapters 2-3, pp. 35-57
Report 2: Bruno Bettelheim, “The Sleeping Beauty” In: The Uses of Enchantment, pp. 225-236. On reserve in Hoover Library.
Blog Entry 2: Develop a one-page working definition of a fairy tale based on class discussions, stories and other articles we have read in class.  Blog is due by Sunday, September 9.